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Predicting Chances of being infected by COVID-19 with a Basic ML Model

 Let's begin!

COVID-19 has really affected our life! Even the President of U.S.A. and the first lady has been tested as positive. So, our first model will be dedicated on the prediction on the chances of whom are more likely to fall for the virus!

Unlikely the traditional software engineering, we aren't providing rules and input!

Here we're giving the inputs and outputs and let the machine decide the rule!

This model is just to make you understand the basics of ML Model you can take it as Hello World of ML Model!

In this model we have used Supervised Learning!

I've used PyCharm, you can also view this model and run it on Google Colabatory where you can run your model without downloading a single software.

The keywords:

  • Features: It's the factor that affect the output. In our model the features are below:
  1. Female : If female then 1; if male then 0.
  2. Age : Age of the user.
  3. Disease : Any disease in this duration then 1 else 0.
  4. Severe : Any severe disease if yes then 1 else 0.
  5. Foreign : Visited any foreign place in this duration if yes then 1 else 0.
  • Labels: The Desired Output that our ML model will predict.
  1. Take Precautions : High chance of getting infected.
  2. Prone but maintain social distancing : Less chance of getting infected.
  • Prediction: Just change the data at the prediction function at line number 15
This is a basic model you can add more data to make it more precise and from this you can get the concept of Machine Learning!

Happy Programming!


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